HIKING: Cary State Forest / Nature Trail



The 1.25 mile Nature Trail at Cary State Forest winds and twists through scenic flatwoods, cypress swamp and includes a boardwalk that takes hikers across the wetlands. This trail is marked with yellow blazes. The Nature Trail boardwalk is dedicated to the memory of Lee and Mimi Adams, whose memorial funds were donated by their estate for the construction of the boardwalk. The Nature Trail at Cary State Forest is included in the Florida Forest Service's Trailwalker Program. Information on this hiking program is available at the trailhead kiosk on Pavilion Road, the forest headquarters, our website or by telephoning 850/414-0871.


Directions from Jacksonville: Take I-10 west to the Baldwin/US 301 exit. Watch for the turns in Baldwin. Drive North on US 301 for 7 miles. When you get to Bryceville, you will go under a yellow caution light and pass by a fire station on your right. Stay on US301. The main entrance is on the right, 0.5 miles north of the fire station. The green Cary State Forest sign at Pavilion Road is down due to construction on US 301. Turn right onto Pavilion Road (limerock) and drive to the grass parking area. If you pass Pavilion Road on US301 you will come to the Florida Forest Service Jacksonville District Office on Big Oaks Road.
